
July 12th, 2024. (Central European Time)

15:00 to 15:45: Use and Impact of ORCIDs for Researchers and Organizations (Paloma Marín-Arraiza, ORCID organization)

15:45 to 16:00  Questions and Answers

16:00 to 16:45: Changes in Metadata of Scholarly Records linked with Transparency Practices in Scholarly Journals (Luis Montilla, Crossref)

16:45 to 17:00  Questions and Answers

17:00 to 17:45: The Principles of Transparency and their Evolution over Time (Dominic Mitchell, Directory of Open Access Journals)

17:45 to 18:00  Questions and Answers

18:00 to 18:45  Editorial Practices that Promote Transparency in Open Access Journals in Mexico and Guatemala (Humberto Aguilera, OpenCiencia)

18:45 to 19:00  Questions and Answers

19:00 to 20:00  Roundtable with Editors-in-chief from Open Access scholarly journals

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